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  • Updates on the pain

Update Number 5

These updates might be read by some of you who really want to know, and it might just be more therapeutic for me. Either way, this is update number 5:)

I had a laparoscopy on June 4 to look for endometreiosis. As I have said before, my pain doctor is convinced the my SI issues are secondary to something else, we just can’t find what that “something else” is.

My SI joint hurts worse on my right side, but the pain down my leg is worse on my left leg. Go figure. It’s very unusual to have BOTH SI Joints inflamed.

So I had surgery and they found a significant amount of endometreosis. Removing it may or may not help with the healing of my joint, either way it’s gone and we are praying that it will help.

My stomach is almost completely healed from the surgery. It’s pretty amazing how minimally invasive the whole thing was.

My back still hurts though. My doctor said it could take up to a month before my pain completely goes away IF endometreosis was a factor.

A month ago or so, I had an injection to my joint.

While the joint was numb, my pain was significantly less. This was good for diagnostic purposes, but the pain came back as soon as the antisthetic wore off.

So now, since we have diagnostic proof that my joints are the problem, my doctor is going to burn the nerves around my joints so I will not feel the pain and hopefully by the time my nerves grow back, my joint will be healed. This is a HUGE prayer request. Huge, huge, huge.

1. That my body will respond to the treatment.

2. That my joints will be healed by the time the nerves are self-healed.

(sidenote- can you tell by these pictures why walking, twisting, bending, would aggravate things? It does. And it stinks.)

These nerves that you see are the ones that will be treated. The frustrating part is that you have to have two “diagnostic” joint injections before they can do the burning of the nerves. So, I still have to have another set of injections, which makes me extremely sore for three days afterwards. Like “can barely walk sore.” And THEN, we can do the burning.

Doctors have hundreds of patients, not just me, unfortunately, so all of this stuff takes so.much.time.  Please pray with us that this process will move along smoothly and QUICKLY!

I have completely weened Sarah so I am able to take Naproxen now, which is working really great for my joint pain. I am taking other medications also for the pain that helps me to be active, but after my window of grace passes by, I get so tired and nauseous. And the pain comes back in full force, especially if I have been too active. It is a constant, daily roller coaster. Please pray for us with that as well. I am really ready for this to be over.

God has been so kind to our family and I feel like we are just having blessings from Him POURED down on us. And He is using His people. Thank you.

Also, I have been so overwhelmed with the pain that screams at me that I have neglected asking for prayer for The Crossing.

Please pray for our family and for the Mosher’s as we are diligently working to be a blessing and to minister to the community of Spring Branch/Bulverde Community. We have a few things coming up that I am particularly excited about. One being a Father’s Day service followed by a BBQ, a putting green, family time, and a fishing pond. You do not have to attend the service to attend the BBQ. We just want people to come and enjoy themselves and we are hoping that it will be a fun, cool thing for families to do together. (also, it’s free!)

We have soccer camp coming up in July for children. It’s also free and we are trying to get the word out through fliers, etc. Please pray for these two things to be successful and to be GREATLY blessed by God. If you know any children in that area who might be interested in going to soccer camp, or families who might want to come on Father’s Day, let us know!

We start weekly services in September!!! YAY!!

One more thing, please pray for God’s perfect timing on the sell of our house and our move as well! It would be great to live IN the area and not 25 miles down the road! But we trust that God knows best and that our family couldn’t have survived the last few months without all the help we have received from loved ones.

Thanks for taking the time to read this and thanks for your love, support,  and prayers.

To God be the glory, GREAT things HE has done.



one more thing…if all else fails, this is on our radar…

5 Responses

  1. Mindy,
    I had no idea you were going through all of this. I wish I was there to help you. It’s hard enough to go through all this let alone with babies to care for. My prayers you have without question but please let me know if there is anything else I can do. In the middle of all this it’s sometimes hard to keep your focus but God does have this in His comtrol.

  2. Dear Mindy,
    Thank you for sending this email…I am sooo very sorry that you are going through all of this!! I got your call on Friday and will look into the insurance Monday and get back to you. Huge hugs and prayers, Dinah

  3. I love you and trust you feel God holding you ever so close every day every minute!trish

  4. All I can do is love you, encourage you, and pray for you and the family since I am so far away. So that’s what I am doing. If you can think of anything else I can do please please let me know. What Jason is doing with The Crossing is wonderful. Keep planning these fun fellowships to let the community want to come together. I listen to Jason’s sermons. Quite moving!
    Mindy, the illistrations are great.

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